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Welcome To British Essay Writing

When a student signs up with an academic writing service to ask them to complete some work for them, the first question that comes to their mind is: who is this agency, and who will be the writer handling my work?

We at British Essay Writing, not only appreciate the question, we also understand and are more than willing to talk about our team of experts who together make up our organisation. These consist of four main departments, each of which handles a specialised feature of the work being done at British Essay Writing. They consist of our team of writers, our proof-readers and editors team, our team of customer service agents and finally our team of legal experts. All four of our departments not only know how to work as separate entities that know their job and how to go about it, they are also great at working together as a seamless whole that comes together to ensure that any work being submitted to any one of our clients is always done flawlessly and in a way that will not only satisfy the customer but will also ensure that the quality of work is the best possible. In this case, here is how we work:

The Customer Service Agents Team

Our CSA team are friendly, understanding and very sympathetic people who ensure that customers are able to find a representative online at all times. They ensure this so that our customer can contact any hour of the day or night, can acquire information regarding the status of their orders and can get their queries addressed. In this regard, when a customer approaches any of our CSA, all of their order requirements are duly noted down, deadlines are discussed, the quality of work expected is ensured and then the client in question is asked for any other additional information that they may wish to convey to the writer working on their paper. After this, the work is assigned to a writer who is already conversant with the subject matter at hand.

The Writer’s Team

Writers naturally are the main components of the team, they are all experts in their field of study. Owing to this reason, we have taken great care to ensure that we only hire writers who are graduates from prestigious institutions situated in the UK. These graduates are skilled, professional writers who know how to meet all the requirements of a project and ensure that they meet all deadlines. The work they produce is 100% original and not plagiarised so clients can simply hand it in to their teachers!

The Proofreading & Editing Team

While the writers write great projects for us on any given day and time, the proof-readers who go through their work checking for mistakes are no less important. This is because they are the third and final step of the ladder that represents the major part of our work process. When writing the best, custom essay, it is entirely possible for even world-class writers to make plenty of mistakes; typing errors, grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, even, once in a while go off topic in the essay! Our proof-readers and editors, by thoroughly proof-reading and editing the work ensure that all mistakes are removed and the work is perfected before being handed in to clients.

The Legal Team

Our team of legal experts are another important facet of our team and they are always working consistently to ensure that we always work according to our legal guidelines, both within the organisation and when dealing with our esteemed clients.

Contact Us

In order to find out more regarding our services, you can contact our customer representative through our live chat feature available on our website or through the submission of a query form. You can also connect with us through email at , or call us at .

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